Teresa Global connects international professional buyers and sellers in the United States and other countries. The Teresa Global team works closely with companies in Vietnam, Japan, Singapore, Korea, Canada and the US to make direct exporting connections. With an understanding of cultural differences, we help companies build trust and avoid conflicts.
The Teresa Global team has experience working with US federal and state government officials to support and encourage foreign entrepreneurs interested in doing business in America. We can also provide support to those interested in attending trade shows and other marketing venues.
The Teresa Global team has worked directly with US and international professional distributors to find the right markets and the best quality products at a reasonable price. With our direct marketing team, we can help your company increase international sales.
Teresa Global has expertise related to the use of high technology in agriculture. These technologies improve efficiencies related to food and poultry production. Our team member has an ongoing high-volume, multi-year project with Tyson Food Inc.
Teresa Global works closely with the Mason Enterprise Center- a university-based economic development enterprise. We have assisted them with a variety of programs including seminars, business networking and business coaching.
Training topics include:
Teresa Global was appointed by George Mason University- International Enrollment Partnership to represent GMU for partnership program with high ranking universities in Vietnam including the National University Ha Noi, Ha Noi University of Science & Technology, Foreigner Trade University, Da Nang University (VNUK) and FPT University.
Teresa Global has relationships with several colleges and universities in the United States that are interested in recruiting Vietnamese students and want to send American graduate students to do internships or study aboard in Vietnam. Likewise, Teresa Global has a student recruiting and placement network in place with offices in both the Northern and Southern parts of Vietnam.
Teresa Global offers a “Coaching to Success” program to help companies achieve their business goals in new markets. We coach our clients to:
The “Coaching to Success” program can: